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Registration Category Descriptions

New Member

APTA Private Practice member who joined after 11/6/2023.

APTA Private Practice Member

Member in good standing of APTA Private Practice.

APTA, Non-Private Practice Member

Member in good standing of APTA who does not hold membership in APTA Private Practice.

Non-APTA Member

An individual who is not a member of APTA or a practice administrator (described below).

Non-Industry Guest

Non-PT attending the conference with a Full Conference registrant. Not eligible to attend educational sessions or earn CEUs.


A student enrolled in a PT or PTA education program that is accredited or is seeking or has been granted candidacy status by CAPTE

Administrators' Network Practice Administrator

Non-PT practice administrators who subscribe to the APTA Private Practice Administrators' Network Program.

NOTE:  If you are a PT working as a practice administrator, you must register in one of the PT registration categories above, regardless of the position you hold within the practice. 

Registration Fees for all of the above categories include:

Exhibit Hall Only

Entrance to the Exhibit Hall only Friday and Saturday during official exhibit hall hours.  Exhibit Hall registrants will not have access to educational programming or social events outside the exhibit hall.